We never questioned the manliness of the crossbow-wielding, zombie-killing man also known as Norman Reedus. But now we understand him a little bit more thanks to his appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and our upcoming cover story in the July/August issue of Men's Journal.
On Tuesday, Reedus sat down on the blue chairs opposite the iconic talk show host to give his take on everything from poached eggs to making kills on The Walking Dead as Daryl Dixon. “I’m trying to master the poached egg, so I don’t know how badass I am right now,” he confessed. But Colbert reassured him (as we all would) that poaching eggs isn’t an offense of manliness. “You’re a manly man,” Colbert said. “I’m male, okay? But I don’t think of myself as manly. Do you have any advice for a guy like me on how to go from male to manly?”
Reedus didn’t skip a beat, replying, “Dude, we’re both wearing makeup right now.”
But following the one-liner, Reedus immediately goes back into tough-guy mode while recounting his favorite Zombie kills on The Walking Dead. He states that “the hatchback squish where his head kind of went like a grape,” is one of his fondest.
Does it get more he-man than headlining your own motorcycle show, though? The conversation quickly turned to Reedus’ love for motorcycles and his forthcoming AMC series Ride With Norman Reedus. The show documents Reedus as he owns the open road alongside a slew of interesting guests, such as “Easy Rider” Peter Fonda. It's a far cry from a sci-fi thriller program such as The Walking Dead, but if anyone can make reality TV dignified, it's Norman Reedus.