14 World Championships Anyone Can Win / by Lauren Steele

Let's be realistic, no matter how hard we train, sacrifice, and suffer, none of us are going to be the best in the world at the popular sports and activities we love. Thankfully, if you can dream up a competition, there's likely already a world championship for it. So here are 14 events where with a little preparation and luck, you might be able to rise to number-one.

Wife Carrying World Championships
If adventure races leave you with no more than a participation t-shirt, trying your hand at the Wife Carrying World Championships might be your next best bet. The 253.5-meter sand track in Sonkajärvi, Finland features two land obstacles and one water obstacle to cover while you carry your partner (you don't need to be married, but she has to at least be 17 years old). You have the option to carry your "wife" in your arms or on your back, although the Estonian Carry — where the wife hangs upside-down with her legs around her partners shoulders, holding onto his waist — is the most popular. She must, however, meet a minimum weight requirement of 108 pounds.

The championships are held every April in Finland, but there is also a North American competition held annually in mid-October at Sunday River Resort in Maine. Some of the domestic rules differ from those at the World Championship. Namely, there is no minimum weight requirement for your partner, and if you drop your wife, you will be penalized with a five-second addition to your time. [eukonkanto.fi]

World Championships of Cornhole
Held in Knoxville, Tennessee, the World Championships of Cornhole elevates everyone's favorite backyard game to an international competition. Hosted by the American Cornhole Organization, the first place prize for the Singles Championship winner is an impressive $10,000, while doubles is a cool $1,000. Traditional 21 scoring methods apply, and one of the most controversial arguments we've all had is covered in the rulebook: If a bag is resting on another bag, and unavoidably falls into the hole as a result of clearing bags in the hole, it shall be counted as a cornhole. [americancornhole.com]

World Pancake Racing Championship
With a motto of "have a flippin' great time," the U.K.-hosted World Pancake Racing Championship is one event that doesn't take itself too seriously. A relatively new world championship, the pancake race was first held in 2014 and will have its third edition in February, 2016. Teams of four run in a series of knockout relay heats, stopping to toss pancakes four times along the short sprint course. First place wins a trophy and gift cards while second place takes home a dinner for two at the Michael Caines restaurant in Manchester. [wackynation.com]

Lawn Mower Racing World Championships
The U.S. Lawn Mower Racing Championships boasts some of the fastest grass-cutter lap times out there, but the World Championships are hosted by the British Lawn Mower Racing Association, and take place over a two-day race weekend every year in Coneyhurst, West Sussex, where the sport originated in 1973. This year will mark the 42nd running of the championships on September 26-27. Mowers, which must be either a traditional push mower fitted with an added seat, a horse-and-cart-like lawnmower set-up, or a sit-down riding mower, usually reach speeds around 18 mph and must remain suitable for lawn cutting, apart from permitted modifications. [blmra.co.uk]

World Series of Beer Pong
The World Series of Beer Pong is the largest, longest-running organized beer pong tournament in the world. Self-described as "created by beer pong players, for beer pong players," it's open to all international beer pong competitors. Past World Series events have put more than 1,000 participants across the 8-foot from each other to compete for the $65,000-plus prize pool. Although the 2016 contest dates have yet to be confirmed, the event will take place in its customary party-scene Las Vegas Strip venue. One controversial rule upheld by the beer pong commissioners? Your elbow is allowed to cross the table. [bpong.com]

World Rock Paper Scissors Championship
The World Rock Paper Scissors Society unfortunately had to put the World Series of Rock Paper on hiatus after the 2010 series, which was covered by ESPN and featured during "The Nuts" section of their World Series of Poker coverage. The WRPS Society hopes to bring the World Series back in 2015, paired with the World Series of Poker, but until then, the PBR Philadelphia Rock Paper Scissors City League Championship Series is still held annually in the City of Brotherly Love. [worldrps.com]

International Cherry Pit Spitting Contest
This year marks the 42nd annual International Cherry Pit-Spitting Championship held at the Tree-Mendus Fruit Farm in Eau Claire, Michigan, held on July 4th. The world record distance, set at the competition in 2003, is 93.5 feet, but that's not the legacy you should look to beat. The local Krause family holds court on the competition, winning 26 of the 41 total championships that have been held since 1974. Start building up your lung capacity now and familiarize yourself with the rules in the pit-spitting handbook, which include that each cherry must be inserted in the mouth whole, with all soluble solids eaten prior to spitting of the pit. Contestants must select three cherries from the regulation Montmorency variety. Cherries must be washed and chilled to 55-60 degrees. Three spits are allowed, with the longest of three recorded. And if a pit is swallowed, that spit is forfeited. [treemendus-fruit.com

International Tree Climbing Championship
The next International Tree Climbing Championship will be held at Brackenridge Park in San Antonio, Texas on April 2-3, 2016. The event is sponsored by the International Society of Arboriculture, which requires each competitor to win a local or regional event to qualify for the World Championship. And to make the competition a little more serious than the tree climbing you did as a kid, participants are required to compete in five preliminary events: aerial, work climb, secured footlock, belayed speed climb, and throwline. Competitors are scored on technique and skill by a team of judges during each event, with the men and women awarded the highest combined scores advancing to the Masters' Challenge Championship. From there, the World Championship competitors go head to head for the title. [itcc-isa.com]

Shovel Racing World Championships
Once held as an event at the winter X Games, the shovel racing championships are now held in February in at Angel Fire resort in New Mexico. Only production shovels are allowed for racing — that means no DIY racing crafts. The two modifications you are allowed to make to your shovel is the application of wax to the underside or bottom of the scoop, and adhering tape to the handle of the shovel to make it easier to grip. Other than that, it's just you, a snow scooper, and a ski run to the finish line. [angelfireresort.com]

World Pillow Fighting Championships
Over 50 years ago, a Kenwood, California resident suggested that a pillow fight competition be held at the local 4th of July celebration. So a 12-inch wide pipe was made to span a mud-filled creek, rules were written, and the World Pillow Fighting Championships was born. Still held every July, the championships require that each contestant hold a wet feather pillow in one hand, sit along the pole suspended over a pit of mud, and swing the pillow until you manage to topple your opponent into the mud below. All contestants must keep hands off the pole at all times and knocking your adversary off the pipe two out of three times determines a win. This year's competition will be held in Rohnert Park, CA.[worldpillowfightchampionships.com]

World Stone Skimming Championships
In a competition not measured by number of stone skips, but total distance a stone travels atop the water, the World Stone Skimming Championship draws side-armed slingers from all over the world to the competition on Easdale Island in Scotland. Only stones made from local Easdale slate have been used since the inaugural event in 1983. For a skim to qualify, the stone must bounce at least three times, with each competitor allowed three throws total. While there are no cash prizes, the World Stone Skimming Cup is presented to the overall winner, along with a healthy dose of bragging rights. [stoneskimming.com]

Hoover-Ball Championships
You've probably never heard of Hoover-Ball, but it's a medicine ball game invented by Herbert Hoover's personal physician to help keep the then-President fit. The game is played on a volleyball-type court of grass or sand and involves throwing a six-pound medicine ball back and forth over an eight-foot volleyball net, with tennis match-style scoring. This year's 28th annual U.S. National Championships (and de facto world championships) will be held at the Hoover-Ball courts at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum on Saturday, August 8, 2015. Winning teams will take home a trophy and a check for $100.[hooverassociation.org]

Mobile Phone Throwing World Championships
Mobile phones originated in Finland, and no other country has as healthy of a relationship with the digital detox either. Mobile phone throwing is described on the sport's official website as a "light and modern Finnish sport" that combines the passion and frustration that we have for our phones into a philosophy that embraces the spiritual freedom from being available all the time. Since 2000, the Mobile Phone Throwing World Championships have been held in late August in Savonlinna, Finland. The cell phones used at the championships include an array of original phones that competitors can choose from to make their throw (so even if you wanted to throw your own phone, it's against the rules).[mobilephonethrowing.fi]

Source: http://www.mensjournal.com/expert-advice/1...